- Log in With Your Credentials from the Welcome email
- Verify Your Mobile Number
- Submit Security Code to verify mobile number
- Review Account
- Order “From Email Address” Domain
Your account includes the purchase and set up of one NEW domain to be used in all your InstantReply emails. You must have a fresh domain that you acquire through our system. This is to achieve the best deliverability possible with the InstantReply system. Your Domain is free up to $15 (no vanity URLS) and propagation/setup time is one hr to one day.
Choose your domain here:
Confirmation screen that your domain has been purchased:
You will also be notified by email that the domain is ordered:
Domain status (INACTIVE) while waiting on propagation:
Domain Status Complete
the from email address and all the settings like spf, to get the email into the InstantReply INBOX is setup automatically
The name on your account (as seen in the menu) will be used to set up your InstantReply email with your NEW domain: traci@realtraceface.com
You don’t have to do anything with this email address. Email responses will show inside InstantReply
(You may set up another email address but it is not recommended. )
NOTE: Users can not use a free email address; Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail, etc.
Order Tracking Numbers
Companies Tab> Choose Company in “Active Companies”
Edit Your Company Details, if necessary, then go to InstantReply Phone Numbers
Click + InstantReply Phone Numbers
Enter Area Code you want to Search, Click Find Numbers
Numbers populate the form, and you choose two:
When you click on Order Phone Numbers you are taken back to the main menu, BUT, your call tracking numbers are in your account.